This position, known as Janu Shirshasana, is excellent for increasing flexibility in the hamstrings. It works at massaging the left and right internal organs while also bringing the endocrine system back into equilibrium.

As the name of this last pose implies, you should bend forward until your head is resting on your knee while you are in this position. Did you know that the use of props may increase the benefits that you get from posture? Hold onto a block and a strap at your sides, and we will walk you through the proper way to utilize them in this pose in a moment.

The detailed instructions may be found as follows:


  • Sit in Dandhasana
  • Bring your right knee up to your chest, and rest the right solely on the inside of your left thigh.
  • Maintain a straight stance and keep your left leg moving.
  • Realign your posture and stretch out your back.
  • Position your hips so that they are facing forward.
  • Take a deep breath in and bring your arms up to the sky over your head.
  • Let your breath out, and lean forward.
  • Grasp your left foot’s toes with both hands and lace your index and middle fingers together.
  • Keep an eye on what’s to come
  • As you let out your next breath, lower your upper body so that it is more closely aligned with your left leg.
  • Place the left side of your stomach on the inside of your left thigh.
  • Relieve tension in your neck by resting it on your lower left thigh and knee.
  • Attempt to maintain the posture for as long as possible.
  • Switch to the other side


The hamstrings, hips, and groin muscles are all stretched out as you do Head-to-Knee Pose. This is an excellent stretch for anyone with tight hamstrings, and it is especially helpful for runners and athletes who participate in sports that demand running.

It is also considered a restorative position, which is claimed to assist in relieving tension and bringing calmness to the mind. This is one of the poses that is advised for individuals who are looking for relief from menstrual cramps or signs of menopause.

One of the most obvious advantages of practicing Janu Shirshasana is that it contributes to increased flexibility in both the back and the hamstrings.

Those who are experiencing issues with their kidneys will discover that this particular yoga pose offers a lot of relief.

It has been shown that the liver and spleen both benefit from the exercise known as Janu Shirshasana.

Those who struggle with digestive issues, including constipation and indigestion, will find that daily practice of the asana is good for their condition.

Janu Shirshasana is an asana that might bring relief to those who are suffering from an enlargement of the glands in the prostate.

It is claimed that the asana will help strengthen the shoulders, legs, and knees.

Not only can the yoga pose known as Janu Shirshasana assist bring relief from joint discomfort, but it also provides health benefits for persons who struggle with weight. In point of fact, it is very useful in removing excess fat from the hips and the abdomen.